Click on word for discussion outline.
Unconditional love
tangible expression of God
A deep respect
Eucharist or the Lord’s Supper
Eternal truth and presence of God
A believer in Jesus Christ who
The ability to keep going
Suffering creates a dependency on the Lord
Enduring hardships through God’s unmerited favor
to live in accordance with God’s Law
Grace empowers
God’s unearned favor
Humbled by a sense of guilt
Authentic giving
Simple actions or tasks
Inner emptiness
Acknowledging God's greatness
Unable to concentrate
Tests or challenges that individuals face
Showing ill Opinion
God's consistency, reliability, and trustworthiness
Intrinsic wort
God's intentions and desires
Disengaged from worldly desires,
Meek, selfless, grateful
Dangers associated with excessive focus on oneself
Self-Denial, Vigilance, Trust, and Commitment
Seeking God
Renewal or change
Also known as fear of the Lord
Persisting through trials
Wisdom believed to come from Go
Devout is expressing piety or religious fervor
Faith that is alive
Is the increase of the element of Christ within
The underlying purpose, motive, or reason
A person that attends another
Renouncing one's own desires
Loving and reverencing the Supreme Being
Deep reflection
To make a thorough or dramatic change
God's benevolent and wise oversight of creation
The action of making a false spoken statement
Inclination towards selfish
Giving our attention to God
State of mental calmness
The sharing of another individual’s personal information
Transformative work of the Holy Spirit
A special divine empowerment
Peace and contentment in God
Acknowledgment of sinfulness
A state of great trouble or suffering
A person who shows us how to live
Watchful or protective attention
To come alongside to give aid in time of need
As it relates to the intention, purpose, or mental focus
The lens through which we perceive life events and those around us
The condition of being submissive, humble, or compliant
Preferring that which is sinful
Excited by ardent desire
To work for
One of the characteristics of God's ethical nature
Of one’s own free will here
Humbling oneself before God
A transformative force
An enemy who fights determinedly
The highest form of love
God’s word - the Bible unchanging and timeless
Instructions from God to His people
the Holy Spirit is the divine force of God over His creation.
A personal and intimate dialogue
The process of bringing someone under one’s control
To be despised, rejected, or martyred
"to set or keep right,"
Roman’s form of capital punishment
Saving of human beings
To observe
the worship of someone or something
Private individual who joins a military conflict
Empty glory or pride
Denying the flesh
Learning through God’s grace
The expenditure of energy
A struggle over spiritual matters with God
Conflict with ones values or principles
To trust in, wait for, look for
Any error or defect
Influence from one’s peer group
The giving up of one’s dignity
Transformation and Intimacy
Having an assurance that leads to action
To become Christlike
Lacking in reverence or proper respect
Comfort based on social connections
Unmerited Favor
End time theology
To be refined by God
What one values
Comfort which eases grief and pain
The blending of religious belief systems
Take or follow as a model
Excessive pride
A modest or low view of one’s own importance.
The soundness of an action or decision
Self is the fleshly, carnal life of nature
The sin of pride is an excessive preoccupation with self
Believing what God says
A sudden strong and unreflective urge
Stubbornly adhering to an opinion
Biblical peace is more than just the absence of conflict
the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge
The perfection of reason
That which is consistent with the mind will character glory and being of God
Behavior or feelings that are not controlled
Not spiritually mortified or subdued
God making Himself known.
The Latin verb avēre, meaning to crave
To search out by any method
Fear of the judgment of God
Conduct with the principles of morality
Close familiarity or friendship
Close acquaintance
A feeling of ill-will
Giving ourselves the credit
Not a true confident feelings
An inborn ability or natural aptitude
Resist doing something
Progressive sanctification
To defeat or take control over
To secure against injury
A period of time during which one's character or fitness is tested
Adverse Unfavorable fortune or fate
To become planted or fixed
The quality of being impatient, eagerness for change
The ability to endure
Divinely or supremely favored
The source of life or strength
Require (something) because it is essential
The process of achieving spiritual maturity
A challenge to choose between fidelity and infidelity
Maintaining your relationship with the Lord
One who reveals secrets
Comfort that comes from God
To hear God's Word and act accordingly
Biblical authority
A state of wholeness
A close bond between humankind and the rest of creation
The expression of gratitude and respect
To catch or entangle
Both social offenses and cultic sins
An immoral or evil habit or practice
Burdened with unreasonable impositions
Defined as the termination of life
It's an attitude of the heart and spirit
To rectify by expunging a mistake
A state or condition free from both death and decay
Means grief, anguish, affliction, wretchedness, calamity, or trouble
The uneasiness or pain of mind
The limpid fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland
Hebrew word for to be crushed
Helping to make a worthwhile difference
Not much known or observed
Strongly desirous to see what is novel
Standing out so as to be clearly visible
Theological significance in connection with worship
One who has been justified in his relationship with God
Repeatedly practicing something
It is from the same root as wake
Someone who violates a law or rule
Neither hot nor cold
Yielding a solemn and reverential attention
Is the devotional practice of Christians
A wanderer or traveler
To feel or bear what is painful
The state of being free
To establish or institute
To act or behave
Celebrate Recovery acrostic T-U-R-N.
The act of concentrating
The state of being unlike or distinct
Settling a dispute